What We Believe

The River Church Nextgen Ministries believe that God has something for your sons and daughters right now.

Our method

In Deuteronomy 6:6 and 7, The Bible says, “And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk to them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.”
We believe that both children and youth ministries begin at home. Our desire is to be a spiritual extension of your family life with God. Our goal is to partner with you in teaching each child about developing a relationship with God through engaging messages, encountering God in worship, getting The Word of God deep into their heart, and teaching them about the authority they carry from the Holy Spirit within them. We do this while encouraging each family to walk together to rescue the lost, empower the rescued, and release God’s River that changes the world.

Our Heart

We value God’s Presence as it is our life-giving river. We prioritize carrying the awareness of the presence of God everywhere we go. We love God’s word and use it in all situations. Our Nextgen leaders are honored to be some of the very first people to help your children establish roots in God’s truths that anchor, strengthen, and direct us every single day.

We care

We value the safety of your family! All River Nextgen leaders are background checked and trained. The River Church has a security team that holds safety to the highest standard.

Sunday Mornings

Wednesday Evenings


Offered both services
River Nursery: 8 weeks – 2 years
River Kids Jr.: 3 years - kindergarten
River Kids: 1st – 4th grade
Offered second service only
River - Sensory: children with special needs
River – The Middle: 5th – 7th grade
(Multi-purpose Room)
River Youth: 8th – 12th grade (Next Gen Building)
6:30 pm - 7:30pm
River Nursery 8 weeks – 2 years
River Kids Jr.: 3 years* - kindergarten
River Kids: 1st – 4th grade
River Middle: 5th – 7th grade (Next Gen Building)
River Youth: 8th - 12th grade (Next Gen Building)

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